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Rear pistol grip / grip for British Army WW2 STEN MP submachine gun Rear pistol grip / grip for British Army WW2...

Metal pistol grip for British Army WK2 STEN MP. High-quality reproduction true to the original. Item condition: new, Reproduction
€ 49.00 *
GB British ARMY WW2 chinstrap Brodie plate helmet steel helmet GB British ARMY WW2 chinstrap Brodie plate...

Perfect reproduction 1x piece Material: 100% cotton Item condition: new, reproduction
€ 15.90 *
Handle foregrip wooden grip for British Army WW2 STEN MP submachine gun Handle foregrip wooden grip for British Army...

Grip piece, front, made of wood for British Army WK2 STEN MP, fits also to a DENIX model! Is tightened with Allen screw inside. True to original reproduction. Item condition: new, reproduction You buy here only a wooden grip, the MP is...
€ 35.00 *
Original British Army WW2 mug canteen 1945 Original British Army WW2 mug canteen 1945

English canteen cup, 1945, Good condition, see pictures. Item condition: used, original You will receive the exact mug pictured!
€ 25.00 *
SET WW2 British Army BD Battle Dress Blouse Jacket Airborne Parachute Regiment Shirt Tie & Trousers SET WW2 British Army BD Battle Dress Blouse...

WW2 British Army Battle Dress 1940 pattern Jacket, Small size S, without label, see pictures. Field shirt with binder, small size 4, 50s. Trousers - small size S, without label, single waist 43cm, outside leg 108cm, inside crotch 78cm....
€ 399.00 *
WW2 plate helmet British steel helmet with chin strap British Army Camouflage North Africa WW2 plate helmet British steel helmet with chin...

British plate helmet complete, bell with inner helmet and chin strap. Reproduction. Size of the inner helmet adjustable, 56-57 Item condition: used, from collection You will receive exactly the helmet pictured, no personal protective...
€ 49.00 *
#1 Plate helmet British steel helmet with chin strap medic British Army Red Cross #1 Plate helmet British steel helmet with chin...

British medic's plate helmet, bell with inner helmet and chinstrap. Subsequently painted with Red Cross. Item condition: used, original British Army 1951 You will receive exactly the helmet pictured!
€ 75.00 * **
WW2 Brodie plate helmet British steel helmet with chin strap helmet net and camouflage material WW2 Brodie plate helmet British steel helmet...

British plate helmet complete, bell with inner helmet, chinstrap, helmet net, jute cover, camouflage material and bandage pack, Complete repro regarding modern. Beautifully padded inside with foam, very comfortable to wear, great WW2...
€ 80.00 *
British Army WW2 Canvas Webbing Holster for Webley Revolver British Army WW2 Canvas Webbing Holster for...

WW2 holster for the British Webley revolver Item condition: new, reproduction Material: 100% cotton, brass fittings You are only buying a holster, the revolver shown is NOT part of the offer, it is for illustration purposes only.
€ 55.00 *
Original WW2 British Army gasmask English gas mask + gas mask bag Original WW2 British Army gasmask English gas...

Original gas mask and bag with strap from WW2, stamped. Supplemented with matching filter, post-war productions. Item condition: used, original
€ 50.00 * **
1x piece WW2 British Army Traffic Lantern Electric Traffic No.2 Minefield Marker Lamp 1x piece WW2 British Army Traffic Lantern...

British Army / Royal Engineers 1x piece Military light LATERNE ELECTRIC TRAFFIC No.2 in good but non-functioning condition original olive paint and complete with its original green filter, It has a rotary light switch on the top. "A...
€ 30.00 *
2x piece British Smle Lee Enfield Webbing cartridge pouch magazine pouch 2x piece British Smle Lee Enfield Webbing...

2x piece English cartridge/magazine pouches for Lee Enfield, 50s stamped, but identical to the wartime pieces. Item condition: used, original You will not necessarily receive the ones pictured, there are several in identical condition...
€ 20.00 *
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    When ordering articles from the time of the Third Reich which show the emblems of the organisations at that time, the legal regulations must be complied with. When purchasing articles bearing emblems of the Third Reich, the customer undertakes to acquire them only for the purposes of civic enlightenment or for historical-scientific research of civic enlightenment, for the defence against unconstitutional endeavours, art or science, research or teaching, for reporting on current events or history or for similar purposes and not to use them in any propagandistic way. Passing them on to uncontrollable third parties is prohibited.

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